Friday, 1 May 2009


title blog neh takde kene mengena apa yg aku taip hehehe. pg td bgn g kelas kelas start kul 9a.m-1:30p.m. sepatutnya abes kul 2 but my chinese lecturer realise that today all malay boys kena sembahyang jumaat. so esok kelas aku extend setengah jam, ganti hr neh punya. so damn bored to da max right now. now i'm watching one of telemovie at astro ria, PUAKA TOPENG PUTIH. wtf, boley tgk cite gitu duk umah sorang2 mcm neh. who cares? nampaknya beberapa hari yg mndtg neh. mcm neh la pjalanan harian hidup aku ke kelas,blk kelas,membute,m'on9,m'gayut,m'makan dan bmcm mem lg. selasa neh abes revision class for t5 and will continue with t7 at this coming saturday. 3 hr yg takde kelas, i will be 'bosan tahap gaban' at this house. i dont know whether i will back home for a short break. but all i know is i want to meet my bf a.s.a.p missing him so f**king much sayang but apa yg aku nk angin, this sunday, some lrt station will be close for awhile 6a.m until 10a.m kelas aku hari ahad ni 9a.m so aku kena stop kat station keramat, nk tuka naik bus nasib baik pegi sahaja,kalo blk jgk mcm tuh, aku bakar segala bagai train yg ada. berbulu je ase. menyusahkan idop aku oh lupa,hari neh bday mak su aku best gile bday dia every year holiday. 1st may for labour day. gehehe! off! love, yana

1 comment:

ruki kenishiro said...

haha.. i'm seeing that movie too right now.. the story line is rubbish much like any hollywood slasher movie, no more no less..

on the plus side, i like all the chicks innit..

all the sweet sweet chicks..